The Plate Water Circulation Reuse Device
》规格型号及参数(Model and technical Specification)
Product Introduction:
The plate water circulation reuse device is an environmental protection equipment specially used for developing the printing plate waste water. The unique developing red version can realize wastewater by using waste water circulation system of real time automatic processing, wastewater through the water circulation device and reagent mixing device, precision filter with three stage treatment, water treatment chemicals, the use of PH neutralization agent, to seek again red version, realizing the recycling of waste water recycling the. After being effectively filtered, the plate wastewater can be recycled, the reuse rate can reach more than 90%, the treated water reaches the industrial water discharge standard, and the green printing can be realized.
Performance Characteristics:
·Full computer control, automatic cleaning function, low consumption, standby, energy saving and high efficiency.
·The plate punching machine runs synchronously and automatically, and the multi-stage filtering unit ensures the repeated use of the plate flushing water, thus obviously saving water consumption.
·The function of pH detection device and reagent adding device ensures normal pH value in the storage tank.
·The special agent can soften and neutralize the waste water, and the treated water can be reused by the developing machine once again through the action of the water pump.
·Low waste inlet design, suitable for all brands of stamping machine.
·Two precipitation and precision filtration, three stage treatment system, filtration accuracy of 0.01 microns, to ensure the quality of water treatment after the color, turbidity, visible, pH value and other indicators to meet the industrial emission standards.
名称型号 Model YH-CLEAN-02A冲版水回收再利用装置
The Plate Water Circulation Reuse Device 回水池容量 Volume Of Return Tank 60L 供水池容量 Volume Of Supply Tank 60L 系统额定压力 Rated Pressure 0.03Mpa 系统工作压力 Working Pressure 0.05-0.30Mpa 处理流量 Flow Rate 3 m^3/h 电源 Power Supply AC 220V/50Hz 额定功率 Power Rating 1.0kw 运行方式 Run Mode PLC全自动运行 PLC full-automatic 净重 Net Weight 180kg 外形尺寸 Outside Dimension 1200×800×1600mm
上一个 : SBK-Ⅲ型立式烤版机 下一个 : YH-CLEAN-01A润版液净化装置
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